
Natalie Quote

Natalie: Mommie, I'm sorry your disappointed in my behavior.

Yup, that sums up our day.


Girl Time

This afternoon Natalie, Paige and I hung out with some of our favorite girlfriends, Andrea, Olivia, Ashlyn and Elli.

By the end of our time playing together, Olivia and Ashlyn were running around in the basement with just their panties on (Olivia had on a few other dress-up accessories but nothing that would count as clothing). Natalie was wearing a dress-up tube-top that was not covering everything that it should. Elli had on a onesie and dress-up heels. It was madness. Girls gone wild, I tell you.

The Toad

I don't think this happens to normal people.

Kim got home at 2:45 in the morning from work. I heard him come in, woke-up to say welcome home. As he came in our room he noticed something on the floor....A TOAD! That's right! In the middle of our bedroom floor, a toad!! I am so glad that I didn't step on it on the way to the bathroom.

Now the real question...where the @#% did it come from?


Two kinds of days

There appear to be two kinds of days in my life...

Option A: I get lots of things on my To-Do list done.

Option B: I have lots of fun playing with my kids.

If anyone knows how to make these two things come together, that doesn't involve staying up past 10 please let me know. Thanks!