

I love making lists. Especially when I am overwhelmed with life. Making lists makes me feel like I am accomplishing something, getting organized. So, I am off to make a list.....


Dawn said...

Do you know what I like even more than making lists? Crossing things off them!

Really missing you online, friend. It's way overdue for a photo of the girls. Hint, hint.

Kristen said...

All mommies make list...if ever they get ANYTHING done! I agree ith Dawn about the photo... :) Love you!

brightleigh said...

Lists are lifesavers; I always make them when I have time off in order to get things accomplished. I make them when I have time on too to keep my sanity. :-)

For something fulfilling, try writing down all that you do in one day. Go back and look over it and know that you accomplished things!

Christy said...

Is it wrong to make a list and put something on that you have already done or are in the midst of finishing, just so you can put a big fat line through it? Not that I've done that or anything.