Me: Natalie, I am exasperated.
N: why?
Me: I feel like I have a lot to do....
N: Yes, Mommie but you need to remain unflappable.
Thank you Pinky-Dinky Doo!
N: Mommie, what does this say?
Me: Visit us at learningcompany.com
N: Dash org
Thank you PBS!
The child makes me laugh!!
Natalie Quote
Natalie: Wait, I need a dance first.
Kim turned the radio in the kitchen on and they danced. I cried. I have no idea what was on the radio, all I could hear in my head was this.
Paige Update
The amplitude of her nystagmus has not gotten any worse, if anything it is better. By the grace of God, they way that it is easiest for her to see is by looking straight ahead, looking to the right does appear to be a challenge but that is way better than the opposite scenario. She does not need glasses right now. She uses both of her eyes equally well. There is no need for surgery. He is not going to see us again for 6 months (the receptionist said "she must be doing really well").
We are so thankful!
Natalie Quote
Me: You're right, I do.
Called out by a 3 year old. Ouch!
While many of the people that I love are living in many different places I love having this way to keep in touch with them. I am terrible with the phone, ok with email, too lame for Facebook.
OK, now I must get to what I really came to the computer to do. My job.
Happy Thanksgiving
I need to get in touch with basketball season. I think that I am in denial that it is here. I can't believe that football season is this close to being over (after last weekend, it looks like it is time for it to be over). I haven't watched a full game yet. Are you kidding me. I need to get serious about some Tarheel basketball. Watching games brings me great joy. I need to get with the program.
Natalie has been challenging lately. Last week she told me that she missed the carpet from our house in Virginia. I don't think that Kim and I have thought about how tough this move has been on her. It has been easy for us. We moved home. Virginia was home for Natalie. She doesn't remember living here. I am trying to be more reasonable and loving. She is getting better. Parenting is hard.
Paige sleeps terribly in her pack-n-play. TERRIBLY!!! We have been out of town for the past to weekends and her sleep has been awful!! Quite a challenge. She sleeps great at home so I should count my blessings. Anyone have any tips?
I am going to Kohl's at 4:00 tomorrow morning with Lindsay. Am I crazy? Yes, I am. I have never had the crazy after-Thanksgiving shopping experience. Lindsay has. She is a vet. I have to be home by 6:00 when the girls will wake-up (Kim works till 2:00 in the morning). I will let you know how it goes.
Halloween (creative, I know)
Thankful Thursday
- A morning with the girls (and Reed)
- Coordinated naptimes
- Beautiful fall afternoons
- Borrowed halloween costumes
- VH1 Classics
Something new
The Happy Couple

So, here they are. Just after he popped the question. Are they cute or what!?
He proposed on the beach. A beach that they visit often (they live in Florida). I hear that he was so nervous that he almost fell down the stairs getting onto the beach. I hear that he didn't really even get to ask, he just got down on one knee (as it should be) and she tackled him in the sand.
My heart is overflowing with joy. You see, Miranda is perfect for Dave. We all know that Dave has his quirks and Miranda loves him and his quirks. Miranda is great for Dave, she doesn't take any crap from him, in a loving way. Dave is great for Miranda. He loves her deeply. He supports her, encourages her. They are best friends. They do puzzles together, I think that is the cutest thing ever.
I am filled with joy because I am so proud of my brother and the man that he has become. Like lots of young people, Dave made some not-so-great decisions but about five years ago he started making great decisions and has continued to do so. He is filled with compassion and love beyond belief.
In some ways this is the completion of our family. I have my second and final sister. Miranda is promising to love Dave and our family forever, I hope she knows what she is in for...I love you guys. I am so excited for you! Let's PARTY!