

So, here is what has been happening at our house...
  1. I had a wonderful Mother's Day. It started with Natalie's sweet little face peeking at me saying, "Happy Mother's Day, Mommie". Then she said "Let's go make mommie's lunch!" Umm, how about breakfast, I didn't sleep in. Sunday was also one of the first days that Paige started giving lots of smiles. So sweet!
  2. Natalie's behavior is greatly improved. Early last week I was ready to trade her in on a new model...She has also taken to using the potty again, I am so thankful.

  3. Paige has some sort of GI distress happening. We are still trying to find the cause. We are not sure if it is coming from a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance caused by my CRAZY oversupply of milk (we are working on that) or some sort of allergy/sensitivity. She already weighs 12lbs and 10 ounces (gained 4 pounds in 5 1/2 weeks) which goes along with my theory of too much milk on my part. I am also eliminating dairy from my diet to see if that helps. It is really hard to eliminate dairy. That mess is in everything!!
  4. We are getting really excited about our move.
  5. Natalie started swim classes.


Dawn said...

So good to get all the updates. Sounds like your house is a little crazy but calming down some. My thoughts are with you, my friend. Keep the photos and updates coming.

P.S. You totally sound like a lactation consultant!

mama becca said...

beautiful girls!!!
Hope the milk stuff works out... we had some of the same issues with Pete. Hang in there! Eventually he had reflux medicine which changed my life. All hail the reflux medicine :).

Jenny said...

What a sweet little face!!! Love the pix, Leigh! I've thought about calling you every day... and I have no excuse for not following through. Thinking of you!

Jenny said...

P.S. At least you HAVE milk!

Kristen said...

Sounds like all the Askews are adjusting well. I love the sweet picture of your girls, Leigh. I know you are enjoying every minute. I am sending you hugs.