
Little Red???

Yesterday I innocently bought Natalie the book "Little Red Riding Hood." I hadn't read the book in a long time but remembered it from my childhood. I certainly did not remember that the wolf ATE grandma and poor Little Red. I also did not remember that the woodsman KILLED the wolf and took grandma and Little Red out of his stomach. Oh my goodness!! Wow!! Of course Natalie loved the book and wanted to read it again and again.

So, if you haven't read Little Red to your children yet, DON'T!!


Some updates

It has been a while...
We had a great Thanksgiving! We spent the long weekend in Windsor with Kim's family. On Thursday we all went outside to play in the front yard, so wholesome I thought I was on "Leave It To Beaver." We ate so much yummy Mama Askew cooking I found myself feeling sick. Kim got to play on the family farm with his brother and dad. Natalie and I got good time with Kim's mom, Caitlyn, Carson and Aunt Lesley. A classic family Thanksgiving!!

When we got home on Sunday, after Natalie brushed her teeth she sweetly asked me "Mommie, where is Gigi (her name for my Grammie)?" She asked me out of the blue. I was floored. I instantly teared up. I looked at her and replied, with my chin quivering "Gigi is with Jesus." I was prepared for a longer discussion but her next question was "Where are Chief and Fran (my other grandparents)?" "Chief and Fran are in Florida." Simple answers and that was the end of it. She did ask me to make "that funny face again" (my trying hard not to cry and talk at the same time face) and gave me a big kiss. Sweet girl.

We are all doing well, after a long day. I was on the way to take Natalie to the doctor and got in a little fender-bender. I rear-ended someone. I was stopped at a stoplight, Natalie asked me a question, I got distracted and took my foot off the brake. Not so smart. I freaked out. I was such a girl!! I actually forgot that I was pregnant for the first three minutes after the bump and then freaked out. Natalie was fine, I felt fine but what about my poor baby inside, yikes. I went to the hospital. They monitored the baby, everything looked fine so I went home. Natalie was a champ and thankfully Sarah was able to watch her while Kim took me to the hospital. Not a fun day! But praise God we are all ok.

I those are all the major updates/reports that need to be made. I need to blog more often so that I don't get so behind and feel so overwhelmed!


It's Official!

We're going to be North Carolinians!! We are moving back to Winston.


My Grammie

My Grammie (mom's mom) passed away yesterday. She was 92 years old and lived a long, full life.

At her best my Gram was a sweet, sweet little muffin of a lady. She was never more than 5 feet tall. I think I got my height from her. About five years ago dementia started to rob her of her mind and personality but I know that my sweet Gram was always inside.

Some things that I remember about my Gram:
  • There was always dessert at her house, usually ice cream or Jell-O (in single serving dishes). As I child, I loved this.
  • There were always olives at her house and if she knew that my brothers and I were coming she bought an extra jar. Yum! We love olives!!
  • There was always "good New Jersey cheese" at her house.
  • She loved naps.
  • She was very into her "stories." (soap operas)
  • She went to the grocery store every day!! That was her outing.
  • She loved, loved, loved animals. I often joked with my mom that she loved animals more than people and on some level, who can blame her.
  • She was a dancer.
  • She and my Pop-Pop were married for well over 50 years. They were a great example of love, unconditional love. I have a picture of them from about 5 years ago, at Christmas and she is sitting in his lap. I hope that at 87 years old I am sitting in Kim's lap.

I have this strange feeling of sadness, especially for my mom and her brother and sisters (I can't imagine being here without a mom), but I also know that Gram is much better. For the past four months of her life she did not get out of bed. I know that is not how she wanted to live. She is much better. It is hard to be sad when someone has been blessed with 92 years, four children, 11 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren (almost 6) and a long, happy marriage.

She died in her room, in her house with her cat, my aunt and two of my cousins with her. I know that my mom, her bother and other sister wish that they could have been with her. It was time. She is in a better place.

Love you, Grammie.


Natalie Quote

Mommie, are you getting bigger?

One of the best days of the year!

Regular season starts today!!
I am so hyped!!
The last time Carolina won the national championship, I had a baby. With any luck, I will have a baby for this year's championship. I'm just saying...
Go Tarheels!!


It's a....

She looked great on the ultrasound today. She is growing well and we saw all the vital organs. We are so excited. Another little girl, a little sweet pea.


Sweet sounds

Natalie laughing gleefully as she plays with her Mimi and Papa.


Where have I been?

I have been meaning to sit down and blog since we got home on Friday, but it hasn't happened...I have thought several times, that random thought should be on the blog but I haven't gotten around to it.

We had a great trip. Johnson City was wonderful. Better than we imagined that it would be. We thought that we would go there and find reasons not to live there. Well, that didn't happen. We loved it. It was so peaceful and beautiful there. All of the people that we met were so warm and welcoming. The men that Kim would be working with seemed like great men. We left feeling confused and overwhelmed and like we could see ourselves living there.

Our next stop was Winston, home in so many ways. The only place we lived as a married couple. Where many of our dearest friends are. Where much of my heart still is. We were welcomed back with open arms. Had a great time trick-or-treating with friends. We had some great conversations about what our future would hold with people who genuinely care about us. Kim was reunited with his old co-workers and had a great time with them.

We hope to make a decision in the next week or so as to what we will do. It is a very exciting time. We are blessed to be given these opportunities. Kim has worked really hard to be able to have choices and we are thankful.

So, here are my random thoughts:
  • To travel with a child, you have to be flexible, or everyone will be miserable.
  • Do you remember when daylight savings time meant an extra hour of sleep, not worry about adjusting sleep schedules?
  • My girl is growing up way to fast!
  • A friend in Winston called me "a vision on loveliness" and meant it, she sees a me I don't see all the time. I miss her.
  • Our family is blessed to have dear, dear friends.
  • In reality, Natalie went trick-or-treating for me. I have eaten way more of her candy than she has.
  • I am glad that I have finally caught up on my work and have the time to blog.