
Confessions of a Blogging Slacker

I have been a blogging slacker lately. For those of you out there, and you know who you are, who think I am actually going to get my "My Space" page together, forget it. I have a couple of excuses to offer.
  1. My job has been a little crazy lately. I have taken on extra clients and 39 pregnant women can drive a person crazy. I still love me job it is just taking more of my time these days, twice as much as when I started actually. We are looking to hire more people but until that happens I get to spend lots of time chatting with pregnant women.
  2. I am the hospitality chair for our MOPS group which gets started in three-and-a-half weeks. That means that I have been spending lots of time planning brunch schedules, naming tables, planning decorations, favors, games, etc. Again, something that I am glad to do but it is taking time.
  3. I am tired. No explanation here.
  4. I am raising a toddler. Since we have gotten back from vacation, I have been doing a lot of single parenting, not my favorite. I don't like it when I am the only parent Natalie sees during her waking hours. Thankfully Kim's schedule will be getting more normal soon. These days make me whine, complain, then remember my dear friend who's husband is across the ocean and I feel guilty. I don't know how she or any other military family does what they are asked to do.

OK, that's all the excuses I have to offer....

Here are some recent snippets from our life.

  • If you are a parent you probably know the "Clean-Up Song" (Clean-up, clean-up, everybody, everywhere. Clean-up, clean-up, everybody do your share). Here is Natalie's version, pirated from her dear friend Madeline, "Clean-up, clean-up, everybody do my share!" She sings it very sweetly as she happily helps clean-up, it makes me laugh.
  • While we were reading "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See" the other night, Natalie called the Sea Lion, a "Swimming Lion". I thought it was so cute. Unfortunately she asked me what it was, I told her a Sea Lion and she corrected herself.
  • Natalie's new favorite thing to sing, the "Pokey-Pokey", known to the rest of us as the "Hokey-Pokey".
  • Kim starts a "writing elective" next week. Three cheers for that!! I'm not sure what a "writing elective" includes but it sounds good to me!
  • My first quilt is almost done (see excuses above as to why it is not done yet). I just have to sew the outer border on.
  • We are going to Jefferson next Thursday for a long Labor Day weekend! I haven't been home since early March. My soul is longing for the mountains and my mom and dad.

I will post some more pictures again soon! Thanks for listening! To my other blogging friends, please don't get slack like me. I still read your blogs daily, I just don't always to my share.


Jenny said...

Oh, girl... just ignore Nikki and me. We just like giving you hard time! I know you are swamped!

I love Natalie's version of the Clean-up song! So cute!

Dawn said...

Sometimes blogging just isn't possible. No worries. I do miss you terribly when you don't blog, though. I'm excited about your upcoming trip to Jefferson - I know it will be food for your soul.

P.S. You should post a photo of your quilt when it's done!

Miles said...

I totally forgot you were from Jefferson. Brooklynne and I might be in Independence, VA over Labor Day. If so, is that close enough to grab lunch somewhere halfway between?

Brad said...

LeighG (can I still call you that?? hehe), thanks for the update! I don't think I post many comments but I enjoy reading your blog! Natalie is lucky to have such a great mom (& dad ... hi Kim!)

christy said...

Yes...I definitely want to see pictures of that quilt of yours.

By the way, Alex and I got a kick out of Natalie's version of the clean up song.

askewheels said...

Miles, everytime I try to post a reply on your blog my computer goes crazy, so I am going to reply to your question here and hope that you see it. Kim and I would love to see you and your family. Independence and Jefferson are definately close but there is not much "in the middle". Let me know if you are still up for lunch!