
Morning Alarm

Soon after I got Natalie out of her bed this morning all the fire alarms in the house started going off. It took me a minute to figure out what alarm system was going off. Looking back on the situation it didn't even occur to me that there might be a FIRE, I just wanted the noise to stop, it was too early for such things. So with a toddle CLINGING to me I ran through the house (Kim had already left for work at 5:15) and down two flights of stairs trying to find the source of the problem. The fire detector in the basement was flashing, ah ha! Now, all I needed to do was peel the toddler off of me, find something that could help me reach the 9' ceiling and get it to stop. Ok, mission accomplished, LOUD noise gone, small chirping noise here. So, I guess the battery is low and we slept through the beep all night and the fire alarm was giving us a final notice. Now, all I needed to do was replace the battery. Problem, I don't have a battery and I can't reach to replace the battery. Decision, this can wait until after church. More LOUD noise. Clearly the fire alarm wanted to be fixed now. So, at 6:50 in the morning I call me dear friend and ask her to send a battery and her husband to my rescue. After replacing the battery, much button pushing (why do these things have to be so complicated? I can see now why people just pull them out of the wall.),and some early cursing, the problem was solved! Natalie keeps saying "No more loud, mommie, no more loud?!" The highlight of the situation was that me toddler wanted to snuggle very close to me for 15 minutes. Thank goodness for friends!


Dawn said...

Okay, I can beat that story. I was home alone with Bella when all the fire alarms in the house went off at once at 1:00 in the morning. Very scary. Bella was petrified, screaming at the top of her lungs. I was tempted to rip the thing out of the ceiling, but rationalized that it would not be the right thing to do. New battery in. Lots of toddler snuggling. Things good until an hour later when it happened again with a different fire alarm as the source. Aaaahh! Anyway, I feel your pain. Glad you have such good friends close by.

Jenny said...

My problem is I can never seem to get the battery in correctly... even though there are only two possible ways it could even go in! Of course the whole time I'm trying to get the dang battery in, my arms are going numb and I'm starting to get dizzy from having my head tilted back all the while balancing on my step stool because I was too lazy to go to the garage and get the ladder. Wes always says, "All bleeding stops eventually." I guess all the beeping stops eventually to. Either you finally fix the problem, or the dang thing just dies because you ripped it out of the ceiling! Why do these things always seem to happen when our men are not around!

askewheels said...

Glad I am not the only one this happens to. Dawn, I bet that was really scary for Bella.