
Why Chic-Fil-A Rocks

So, after quite a blogging lull and reading what my friends have been writing I feel really bad coming back with a post like this but here we go...
  1. Free table-toppers (the plastic, disposable tablecloths)
  2. Purell hand wipes taped to kids meal bags
  3. Fresh fruit (for Natalie)
  4. Waffle fries (for Me)
  5. A nice man to open the door
  6. A nice man to help me get two highchairs to the table (one for Natalie, one for Madeline)
  7. A nice man to carry Sarah's food to the table
  8. Milkshakes!!!
  9. Lemonade in styrofoam cups

Seriously, the people a Chic-Fil-A are marketing geniuses!

  • The one down side is that the "toys" are not exactly "toys". They are educational books usually. Happy Meals toys win!


Saintly Nurse said...

We love Chick-fil-A too but we sure don't get those nice hand wipes. Every mother of a preschooler's dream....:)

Dawn said...

We're big fans of Chick-fil-A, too!

Jenny said...

Ummm... What about the chicken?! It's dad-gum tasty!

My only problem with Chick-fil-A is that I always end up craving it on Sunday... and I think we have all done the "I'm-going-to-Chick-fil-A
-but-oh-crap-I-forgot-it's-Sunday thing.