
Dad, you made the blog! (Mom, too)

My Dad keeps asking me when he is going to make the blog, so here you are Dad. We had a great afternoon exploring Mt. Vernon with my mom and dad. Natalie would say "we are at George's house." The sad part of it is that she will not remember any of our adventures here. Too bad we are living in such an exciting place when she is so young.

Right now my mom is reading bedtime stories to Natalie. What a blessing for everyone. Natalie loves the time with her Mimi. Mimi loves the time with Natalie. I love the time to myself!


Jenny said...

Is your backpack a Kelty? Wes and I are shopping for one... any suggestions?

Dawn said...

Leigh - I'm shopping for a backpack as well, so let me know, too!

By the way, I love seeing Mr. & Mrs. G & Kim again. I love this blogging world! Send them my love.

askewheels said...

Yes, it's a Kelty! We love it. We got it from Campmor on the internet. We have used it a lot more than I thought we would. Even with 30 pounds of Natalie Kim says it's not too bad!