
Find your "Field of Flowers"

So, the Northern Virginia adventure of the day was going to a wild flower farm (is that possible) to pick flowers. We had a great time (pictures to follow as soon as Sarah sends them to me). We got some beautiful flowers for cheap!! But the treasure of the day was meeting the woman who ran the farm...

She was once a teacher but now is a full-time flower farmer. She has a huge piece of property, several barns, three horses, two potbelly pigs (Wilbur and Petunia), and lots of flowers. When we arrived it was evident that this was a low-key operation. She had several old buckets, pitchers and Styrofoam cups for you to cut your flowers into. She also provided the clippers, etc. She explained to us that we could walk through the fields, pick the flowers that we wanted to and just leave our money in the cup (an old, plastic, cup) when we were finished (we could make our own change, etc.). She explained that a bouquet of flowers should cost between 6 and 10 dollars and that buckets of flowers were from 25-30 dollars. She did not monitor what you were leaving with, she just trusted you to leave the money that you should. She was not going to weigh the flowers or anything thing like that, she just wanted what was fair based on the pricing that she explained. Now, let me assure you that she could have been making a lot more money on this operation! She is running this farm in the wealthiest county in the country. People have money here and are not afraid to spend it (although they are probably afraid of the bugs and dirt involved in picking your own flowers). Clearly, becoming wealthy was not this women's goal. She was happy to be able to grow her flowers and be on her farm. I admire her! I admire her life! She is doing what makes her happy and is living simply! I think we can all learn so much from that.

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