
We all need to do it!

After an hour of weaving through a spiderweb of blogs I have found lots of fun people that I went to college with. I have been able to get a peek at these people's lives and have come to the conclusion that everyone should be blogging. How open and honest you want to be on your blog is up to you but we should all be able to "catch-up" with each other this way. I am not sure how this whole blogging world came about but I love it. I am not sure how or when it is financed but I am not sure I care. All I know is that it is a great way for me to waste hours on end and find out about people that I once knew well. Such fun!!


Jenny said...

I personally prefer not to think of it as wasted time. Time spent stalking is never "wasted" time.

Dawn said...

I knew you'd love blogging! You've joined the blogging nerds ranks!

Burly said...

That's right, stalking isn't wasted time ... oops, I just gave away that I'm stalking y'all ... guess it's not stalking anymore, eh?