
My job

So, I just spent the morning meeting with people from my job to do some planning for the future. I will have to say that I love my job! It is by far the best job that I have ever had. Do I love it because I get to work from home? Do I love it because I get to do lots of patient education? Do I love it because I get to interact with patients and be involved in their pregnancy and birth experience but I don't have to worry about being sued some day? Do I love it because I have a great boss who cares about me? Do I love it because I get to do it on my time? I probably love it for all those reasons. I am so thankful that I have been given this opportunity and experience! The great news that I got today is that I can keep this job even when we move, woohoo!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Yea!!! I'm so glad that you have a great job with a great boss and great clients and that you get to keep your job when you move. That's awesome! God is good!!!